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»The Devil Is A Woman«

by Zithelo Mnguni, September 18, 2010

It always baffles my mind when we do this to our own kind
We preach of sisterhood yet we wear the devil's hood
If maybe I could rewind and maybe be born from the male kind
Then maybe I would not be saying this: The devil is a woman

Remember how you told her about your new man,
How he loved you and drove you insane
Yet today he and she share the same bed,
And I thought you'd said she was your real friend
Surely the devil is a woman

And what about that woman
Who used to preach about how people are so inhuman
Isn't she the one who befriended your mother
And now is married to your father
How can a woman do this to another woman?
Only the devil could be so inhuman, and she is a woman

And what about your own sister
The mention of her name makes you so bitter
Isn't she the one who almost tore you apart
When she drove a knife through your heart
And I thought you'd said she is your sister
Isn't the bond of sisterhood supposed to be sweeter
Only the devil could make life so bitter and she is a woman

Beware how she will deceive you with sweet words
And let you cry on her shoulder while she drives a knife into your back
The devil wears a long skirt and carries a bible
The devil has a sweet smile and a pretty face
The devil is the person you have known all your life,
The devil is a woman.

Written: February 2007
Tags: Anger Crazy Hate People

The © Copyright to this poem is owned by the author.
Published by writerslounge.net on September 18, 2010 under courtesy of the author.

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