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»Where Were You...?«

Nov 10, 2010

Where were you / Humanity / When the songs of hate / Started / / When the dance to kill / Commenced / Where you there / / When I needed your touch / Of protection / Where were you? / / Were you with me on that fire? / Or you were part of the mob / / -Lol- the "Rainbow nation" / / Were you trapped down / on the…  sign in to read more »


Nov 10, 2010

You came to me / And / Found me on my own space- quit / You assaulted my thoughts / With / Your charisma / Danced your way into my soul...You / You came to me / As a friend / And / As a committed lover / -Yet- / Omitted that feminine cliché' / "Till death do us apart" / Both of us / We were locked in that lonely…  sign in to read more »

»...Essence (of a beautiful Soul)«

Sep 22, 2010

Ever wondered how it feels to be blind / live life in the dark... / And never get to see the loveliness of a Blossoming Flower / Or the Beauty of the Sun set? / / Some say "Dark is Beautiful" / Some say "love is blind" / And / Some write "ignorance is Bliss" / / "Pause" / / Through you / I have seen all of…  sign in to read more »

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